Board Officers

Bob Mathias
Board Chair

Retired Professional Attorney and Partner, 
DLA Piper Baltimore 

As a board member, and now chair, I have
focused on helping Mark Perry, and his
terrific team of dedicated employees,
volunteers and supporters maximize their
potential as the organization grows and
faces increasing environmental challenges.
Organizational and mission success are
paramount in our focus.

Linda Houston Photo
Linda Houston
Vice Chair

Former Managing Director, Merrill Lynch

My purpose as a board member is to
assist with the marketing and donor
development for Florida Oceanographic.
With the opportunity to re-envision the
future and expand the branding, I hope
to help highlight the true and important
mission of research, education and
advocacy that is so critical to our

Robert Lord

Rob Lord 

Retired, President Cleveland

I am interested in advocacy
related to local water quality
and the restoration of the
natural water flow in South


Frederick P. Bartlett

Retired Business Owner

I believe that I can use my experience to
help Florida Oceanographic expand its
mission by introducing young people to
the importance of our marine
environment and by inspiring them to
be good stewards and to help conserve
our resources.

Board Directors


John Amerling
Principal-Legal Services,
Contracting Consultant

I joined Florida
Oceanographic Society
because it is a recognized
player in Florida for
advocating for
constructive and
responsive ways to deal
with the degradation that
has occurred to the St. Lucie
and Indian River Estuary.
Under the extraordinary
leadership of Mark Perry,
this organization helps
inspire people to be a voice
for our waterways and I am
proud to be a part of it.


John Ciabattari 

Vice President, Ferreira Construction Company 

Donna Boyd photo
Donna Boyd
Retired Software Industry

I would like to share my
expertise in fundraising and
outreach to help expand
Florida Oceanographic
Society’s donor community,
including corporate
partnerships, and inspire
these donors to make
long-term, meaningful
investments to further
the organization’s mission.  

Mark Cocorullo

Mark Cocorullo
Former CFO, MM Health
Systems, Financial Advisor

I strongly believe in engaging
with worthy efforts, such as
the education of our younger
generations.  I gladly offer my
time and talent to that key
effort by assisting in raising
funds to support Florida
Oceanographic Society’s


Marshall Critchfield
External Affairs,
Florida Power and Light

I was fortunate to grow up in
Florida and I’m grateful for
the early and perpetual
exposure I had to
conservation. Serving as the
Everglades liaison to the
Secretary of the Interior for
four years opened my eyes
to the water quality issues
we tackle at Florida
Oceanographic Society. 

Allen Herskowitz

Allen Herskowitz
Aerospace Executive

My years of involvement in
maintaining the Sailfish Point
beaches, harbor and
waterways have given me an
appreciation of the many
challenges involved in
protecting  the health and
beauty of our local
environment while
maintaining the opportunity
for us to personally  enjoy
interacting with that

Daniel B. Merritt photo

Dan Merritt
President and Owner,
Merritt & Bartley, Inc.

I wanted to join the Florida
Oceanographic Society Board
because of all the great
things they do for the
community. Not only is it a
truly outstanding destination
for educating the public,
especially our younger
generation, about
conservation and ecology,
but also because Florida
Oceanographic supports very
valuable research preserving
and restoring our ecosystems.

Pat Noonan Photo

Patricia Noonan
Retired Publishing

I am enthusiastically
committed to Florida
Oceanographic Society’s
advocacy through building
relationships and my
volunteer experience as an
Exhibit Guide at the Coastal


Scott Turnbull 
Attorney, Crary Buchanan, P.A.

I am an advocate for
conservation of Florida’s
coastal estuary and natural
environments and I strongly
support Florida
Oceanographic’s mission to
advocate, educate and
protect our waterways.


David Lusk
CEO, Victor5, LLC

I aim to contribute towards halting Lake Okeechobee discharges and restoring a consistent flow of water to support the Everglades' freshwater sloughs. My background in understanding environmental regulations can help advance this goal and align with the mission of Florida Oceanographic Society.


Mary Jo Askew

Twinks Irvine 

Jack Nicklaus 

Paul A. Shirley

Bob Bauman

Andrea Lutz

Robert Pearson

Dale Hudson

Edwin R. Massey, Ph.D.

John Pratt