January 10, 2023
Seeing Red From So Much Green: The Story of Florida’s Algae Issues
Learn about Florida’s ongoing water issues, including the various harmful algae blooms that have plagued our state. See how we can reverse a century of water mismanagement that has damaged the Everglades, Lake Okeechobee, and our coastal estuaries.
Presented by Dr. Zack Jud, Director of Education, Florida Oceanographic Society

January 17, 2023
Climate Change and Marine Life in Antarctica
Climate change is having an impact on our entire planet, including some of the coldest places on Earth. Take a journey to the “deep deep south” to see how Antarctica’s unique and important marine organisms are being affected by earth’s changing climate.
Presented by Dr. Richard Aronson, Professor and Department Head, Florida Institute of Technology

January 24, 2023
Dolphins and Climate Change: Baseline Work in The Bahamas Over Three Decades
Long-term research is critical to understanding the multitude of threats that face imperiled species. Find out how a population of Atlantic spotted dolphins in The Bahamas, which has been studied since 1985, has responded to hurricanes, food shortages, and climate change.
Presented by Dr. Denise Herzing, Research Director/Founder, Wild Dolphin Project

January 31, 2023
Coral Reef Conservation: Exploration → Research → Management
Coral reefs are facing major challenges in the form of emerging diseases, poor water quality, and climate change. Dive in to learn about new coral reef discoveries, coral disease treatments, and coral restoration methods that are contributing to coral reef conservation in Florida and beyond.
Presented by Dr. Joshua Voss, Associate Research Professor, Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute

February 7, 2023
Evading Extinction in the Anthropocene: Guiding the Goliath Grouper
Populations of goliath grouper, an enormous species that was once on the brink of extinction, are slowly recovering in Florida. Learn about the biology and conservation of this unique species and its importance to the fishing and diving industries in our region.
Presented by Clark Morgan, Doctoral Student, Fisheries Ecology & Conservation Lab, Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute

February 14, 2023
The History of the St. Lucie River - 125 Years of Change
The St. Lucie River and the Indian River Lagoon Estuary have been vital to humans and wildlife in the Treasure Coast for thousands of years. Step back in time to see how a documentary filmmaker unraveled the true history of the St. Lucie River, “America’s Amazon.”
Presented by John Nelson, Producer, The Audubon Moment

February 21, 2023
Florida Beach Quests
Anyone who has spent time walking along the ocean’s edge has certainly stumbled onto one sort of mystery or another. From seashells to sea turtles, discover the secrets behind every beachcomber’s unanswered questions about beach plants, animals, physical processes, and more.
Presented by Dr. Blair Witherington and Dawn Witherington, Professional Naturalists and Authors

February 28, 2023
Seagrass Restoration Research in the Indian River Lagoon
Seagrasses have experienced a severe decline in the Indian River Lagoon due to poor water quality. Get caught up on the work that Florida Oceanographic Society scientists are doing to better understand this decline in order to combat seagrass losses in the IRL.
Presented by Dr. Loraé Simpson, Director of Scientific Research and Conservation, Florida Oceanographic Society

March 7, 2023
Wetland Conservation in Florida: Habitats for Fishes and Fowl
As a state with 31% of its landmass covered in wetlands, Florida has a love/hate relationship with these critical ecosystems. Explore the history and importance of wetlands in the Sunshine State and measures to conserve what remains of these special places.
Presented by Jeff Beal, Florida Regional Biologist, Ducks Unlimited

March 14, 2023
One Simple Trick to Help Save the Indian River Lagoon
The Indian River Lagoon Estuary, a critical nursery for many ecologically and economically important species, is in big trouble. Learn how scientists with the Ocean Research & Conservation Association (ORCA) are working to reverse the declining health of this treasured estuary.
Presented by Dr. Edie Widder, CEO/Senior Scientist, Ocean Research & Conservation Association (ORCA)