JANUARY 18, 2022
Florida's Waters – Current Outlook and Future Plans
2021 was a year filled with optimism for Florida’s waters, including a summer without Lake Okeechobee discharges, and positive movement towards meaningful restoration of water flow through the Everglades. Get caught up on the current health of our local waterways, and see how efforts to improve the management of Lake Okeechobee are progressing.
Presented by: Mark Perry, Executive Director, Florida Oceanographic Society

JANUARY 25, 2022
Conservation of a Prehistoric Fish: Atlantic Tarpon in the Anthropocene
Tarpon have been swimming in Earth’s oceans for 100 million years, yet today, they are increasingly threatened by habitat loss, water quality declines, and overfishing. Learn how Bonefish & Tarpon Trust is using high-tech and low-tech solutions to track tarpon migrations and identify critical juvenile habitats, all in an effort to protect and conserve this ancient and emblematic gamefish species.
Presented by: Dr. Aaron Adams, Director of Science and Conservation, Bonefish & Tarpon Trust; Senior Scientist, FAU Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute

FEBRUARY 1, 2022
Restoring Native Clam Communities for Improved Water Quality and Economic Resiliency in the Indian River Lagoon
Persistent algae blooms, high nutrient loads, and poor water quality are pushing the health of the Indian River Lagoon – one of the most diverse estuaries in North America – to an ecological tipping point. See how researchers are breeding and releasing “superclams” that are resilient to algae blooms in an attempt to filter the estuary’s waters and improve ecosystem health.
Presented by: Dr. Todd Osborne, Associate Professor, Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience, University of Florida

FEBRUARY 8, 2022
Mysterious Manta Rays of Florida
Did you know that Florida’s coastal waters are home to both a rare manta ray nursery habitat and a large seasonal aggregation of adult manta rays? Learn about the Florida Manta Project, the first dedicated study of Florida’s manta rays, and find out more about manta ray biology as well as efforts to protect and conserve mantas here in Florida and around the globe.
Presented by: Jessica Pate, Research Scientist & Country Manager, Marine Megafauna Foundation

FEBRUARY 15, 2022
Disney’s Role in Conserving our Planet and our Own Backyard
Find out about Disney’s Animal, Science, and Environment team, which is responsible for the care and wellbeing of domestic, zoo, and aquarium animals that are part of Disney experiences worldwide. See how this unique Walt Disney team also works to protect and conserve wildlife and wild places around the globe and right here in our own Florida backyard.
Presented by: Dr. Scott Terrell, Director of Animal and Science Operations for Walt Disney Parks and Resorts Worldwide

FEBRUARY 22, 2022
The Loxa-Lucie Headwaters - Continuing the History of Preserving Environmentally Valuable Lands in Martin County
Since the 1970s, Martin County residents have been leaders in preserving environmentally valuable lands. Learn about a new initiative to protect the headwaters of Kitching Creek and the north-flowing South Fork of the St. Lucie River, and how we can all be a part of addressing the challenges of land preservation and climate change resiliency in 2022 and beyond.
Presented by: Greg Braun, Certified Environmental Professional, Sustainable Ecosystems International

MARCH 1, 2022
From Seeds to Shoreline: Nursery Production of Spartina alterniflora for Salt Marsh Restoration
Coastal salt marshes protect shorelines from storms and provide vital nursery habitat for commercially important fish and seafood, but these habitats are being threatened by human activities and global climate change. Learn about efforts to propagate smooth cordgrass from wild-collected seeds as part of a project that aims to restore degraded salt marshes while simultaneously cleaning up aquaculture waste.
Presented by: Dr. Heather Joesting, Associate Professor, Georgia Southern University

MARCH 8, 2022
South Florida Octopuses: From Behavior to Bacteria
Octopuses, often described as the most intelligent of the invertebrate animals, are charismatic, captivating, and exhibit many unique traits and behaviors that fascinate scientists and the public alike. Discover the surprising ways that two local octopus species coexist just beneath the surface of Lake Worth Lagoon at Blue Heron Bridge.
Presented by: Dr. Chelsea Bennice, Affiliate Assistant Scientist, Florida Atlantic University

MARCH 15, 2022
In the Bedroom of the Shark: Underwater Mating and Dating in the Florida Keys
Dive in to learn more about the fascinating story of nurse shark courtship and mating from a world-renowned shark biologist. This story will focus on the only systematic study of shark mating that has ever occurred for any species anywhere in the world, and will include incredible underwater photos and videos, as well as a strong conservation message.
Presented by: Dr. Jeffrey Carrier, Professor Emeritus of Biology, Albion College; Adjunct Research Scientist, Center for Shark Research, Mote Marine Laboratory